K-12 Reading Specialist
Writing Coach
K-12 Independent Diagnostic Reading Assessments
Think Pear. Share. Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) based in NE Ohio.
We believe:
Learning is not a one-size-fits-all process
Effervescent learning is to engage the senses
Learning environment makes a big impact
Age should not be a factor in placement
There is a proven exact science of reading
The love of learning and motivation comes from inside oneself
A multi-generational approach to learning builds self-confidence
We have created sensory gardens full of fragrance, color, fun, and mysterious beauty. There are fields to run or to sit in mindful meditation.
Think Pear. Share. Inc. supports those who wish to be part of the local learning movement.
Come to experience for yourself the transformation.

Think Pear. Share. Inc. serves all those who identify on the alternative learning spectrum. We wish to improve on an individual’s current level of academic functioning through the arts and nature. This NE Ohio farm has working gardens to help build confidence and wake the senses.
Seeking volunteers to Read to Others! Create Art! Make Music! Tend Gardens! Learn! Share!
Contact Information Below…..
Example of creating a learning space outside of the traditional classroom!
Students explore a bog in springtime with educational guide of Pear; Carol Palansky, Certified Arborist & Horticulturist. Earth Science. Ohio’s Learning Standards and Model Curriculum, 2.EES.2/3, as designed by Think Pear. Share. Inc. of NE Ohio.
Finding the joy of learning through discovery is half the journey; the other half is contributing what is learned back; making our communities stronger.
Joy in Learning is Empowerment
Think Pear. Share. Inc. is the other way around; we tailor learning to the individual.
A light at the end of a tunnel for those still trying to fit in, educationally.
For so many, learning has become heavy-laden.
First, we take a baseline assessment in the core subjects using acclaimed, independent, and universally accepted diagnostic assessments. Then, we design an educational plan uniquely shaped!
We have created a space to host educational programs. Local artists, and artists in residence offer their time and talents, through volunteerism to share their knowledge and experience. Director, Kate Ritchie M.Ed. has worked as a community volunteer coordinator for many years in Geauga County, Ohio. She and her husband, Ray, have worked with many groups such as the Sierra Club, The National Audubon Society, and various historical societies, organizing group activities as Hostel managers through HI-AYH: Peninsula, Ohio. Cape Vincent, New York, Eastham, Massachusetts, and Marthas Vineyard.
Literacy Support Makes for Stronger Communities
Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the brick and mortar school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning. .

Autumn Days spent in wonder does not need to result in a reading and math loss. Research has proven that outdoor learning has many benefits including mental health, physical health, and improved cognitive development. Just one hour a week with a tutor in conjunction with an outdoor activity can boost memory, improve attention and stamina!
Think Pear. Share. Inc. knows that autumn days, spent in our youth, are as brief as the maple leaves in a pile!
Effervescent learning allows for resilience, creativity, and sense of self.
(Parents or guardians can relax in our garden library with a cup of complimentary refreshment during the hour tutorial or assessment)
Feel free to contact Think Pear. Share., Inc. to register for any of the following: consultation, baseline assessment in reading, tutoring, or to see how you can be of support..